Saturday, August 14, 2021

 ok this is my latest illustration from 2021 july. after a long break. i hadn't drawn anything for months before this. And it means i finished ulpoading all my drawings here so from now on u can see fresh content with more behind story. This one has no intresting story it was a rough pen sketch in my sketchbook and i thought its time to finish it. Digitally. fck. i cant make finished artwok traditionally. i neither have the skill nor the tools and it kinda bothers me.

 this was made for an istagram challenge called DrawThisInYourStyle. So somebody drew a or character ar anything so other artist could draw the same in their own style. this was my attempt and i kinda proud of it. i rarely use this kind of light effects. Of course the blood and the tampons are my idea the original drawing had just some kind of sparkling and glittering magic stuff...

 gam art facebook cover illustration

 random art again


 WARNING! Adult content

 Little girls

 Kiss and love illustrations

 random drawings